🐞 Snippets with images

There was a bug that prevented image content from expanding correctly within topic cards.
This is now fixed, and you should be able to view full-sized images without any problems. πŸ™Œ

🐞 Tooltip fix

Sometimes, tooltips didn't behave as expected. We've fixed the bug that was causing them to show up incorrectly. πŸ™Œ
You should now be able to see all the information you need. 🌱

🐞 Card selection

There was an issue where pressing the Shift key while typing in comments or title, unintentionally activated card selection. That is now fixed πŸ™Œ

🐞 Youtube keypress interference

We had a bug on Youtube where some keyboard keys, typed in comment section on extension, were interfering with YouTube video.
That is now fixed so your Youtube video won't be interrupted anymore. 😎

🐞 Tag search

Searching by tag has caused some frustration lately. 😀
We've fixed it, and your tag searches are back in action. Now you can find all your tagged content with no problem. 🏷️

🐞 Scroll not working

A shared Topic scroll wasn't working as expected.
We've fixed that bug, so you can now navigate through Topics with ease. ✨

🐞 Image Visibility in Snippets

There was an issue where certain web image formats weren't visible when saved in snippets. Now, all image formats should display correctly. πŸ“·βœ¨

🐞 Sync problem resolved

Sometimes we had trouble with content loading due to a synchronization issue. But no worries,
we've fixed it. Now your content loads smoothly as intended. βœ¨πŸ’«

🐞 Duplicated Images in Snippets

There was an issue where images were being duplicated when saving them as part of snippets. We've fixed it, so now you can save images without seeing any extra copies. Enjoy! βœ¨πŸ–ΌοΈ

🐞 Snippet visibility

We've had a bug where expanded snippets weren't fully visible.
Now, when you expand a snippet, you'll see it in full, just as expected. πŸš€πŸ”

🐞 Interlinked text in comment

There was an issue when you pasted interlinked text into a comment, the link didn't work. As always, we've sorted it out!
Now, when you click a link in a comment, it'll open just like it should. πŸ”—

🐞 Empty Cluster Name

We had a small issue where setting the Cluster Name to be empty was possible. 🀐
Now, leaving it empty or adding a space will set the default name to "Untitled Cluster". πŸ™Œ

🐞 Stubborn Deletion Modal

There was an issue with Topic Deletion modal on Extension where it would stay open after creating a new Topic. πŸ€”
Now, it closes as expected. βœ…

🐞 Emoji Display Glitch

There was a problem where Emojis were displayed as full-width images in snippets and comments from websites using Emoji Scripts. We've resolved this, so now your Emojis will appear as intended! 😁✨

🐞 Creating #tag glitch

There was that little issue that was preventing users from creating #tags on extension. Pretty frustrating, right?
We've sorted it out and now, it stays right where it's supposed to be! πŸ™Œ

🐞 Issues with Comment Editor

There were multiple issues with our Comment Editor that were causing some misbehaviour.
We've taken care of it, and now it should work flawlessly. ✨

🐞 Quick-Save Button not always visible on Quora

You may have noticed that the Quick-Save button wasn't showing on Quora search results. No worries the problem is now fixed. 😎

🐞 Extension Snippets UI Glitch Fix

We recently encountered a multiple glitches with the Snippets Interface on our Extension. As always, we've fixed it and everything is looking shipshape again. πŸš€πŸŒŸ

🐞 Delete Modal won't close

When deleting a Topic, the Delete Confirmation Modal stubbornly refused to close. 🫀
Well, not anymore! We've fixed that sneaky bug, and now everything works just as it should. πŸ™Œ

🐞 Image visibility in comments

We had that little bug where images weren't fully visible in the comment section. Depending on their size, only a part of them would show up.
We've fixed it and now you'll see the whole picture! πŸ™Œ πŸ–ΌοΈ

🐞 Title Scrollbar Glitch

Ever spotted those weird scrollbars standing next to Titles for no good reason?
We've fixed it up! So no more odd-looking scrollbars messing with your titles. πŸ’«

🐞 Topic Creation Glitch

We had that awkward moment with our Extension where it insisted on creating a new Cluster, with the exact same name, every time you tried to add a new Topic inside one. Well, good news – it's fixed now! πŸ™Œ

🐞 Commenters reordering Snippets

We discovered a sneaky little bug that made it seem like commenters could rearrange snippet order on your topic. That is now impossible, everything stays in place as it should. ✨😎

🐞 Extension UI Glitch Fix

Our extension went a bit wild on certain websites - hiding the logo and scroll bar. Now, problem is fixed, so dive in and enjoy using it just like before. 😎

🐞 Login Icons Changing Color on some Websites

Our Extension login icons lost their shine colors and went a bit dull on certain websites. As always, we fixed it and your icons are back to being bright and beautiful.🎨✨

🐞 Drag&Drop into Topic Search Bug Fix

We noticed a sneaky bug in the navigation panel where Dragging and Dropping a Topic into the search field allowed it to land there, which would ultimately cause the entire app to crash.

We've sorted it out and your navigation is smoother than ever! ✨

🐞 Saving Topics without Titles Bug Fix

There was a bug on the Extension that allowed you to delete a Topic Title, and create a Topic without it.

We fixed it and now hitting enter generates an "Untitled" topic as expected. 😎

🐞 Plans and Features weren't opening on Mobile

It looked like Plans and Features won't open on mobile view, but it actually does. It was just our Sidebar that was persistent and wouldn't close when it should. 😬

This is now fixed and works as expected πŸ₯³

🐞 "Shared with Me" Cleanup

There was a little bug that was causing topics to stay in your "Shared with Me" section after leaving Cluster.

Good news, that bug is officially history! πŸ™Œ

🐞 Topic name glitch fix

Sometimes when switching topics very rapidly (like really really fast⚑️) topic name would glitch and you would be presented with the name of the last topic you clicked. This now imposible, how ever fast you are 😎

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